The 8th District championship game between Christian County and Hopkinsville was a nail-biting, intense affair with everyone on the edge of their seats. Despite...
In a thrilling matchup between two local high school girls' basketball teams, the Lady Tigers faced off against the Lady Colonels in Thursday night's...
The Hopkinsville Lady Tigers are set to compete against the Christian County Lady Colonels in the 8th District championship for the 8th consecutive year....
In the second 8th District semifinal at Lyle Dunbar Gym on Monday night, the Hopkinsville Tigers and the University Heights Academy Blazers engaged in...
The Hopkinsville High School Tigers put up a valiant effort against the University Heights Academy on Friday, in a nail-biting basketball game that ended...
The Hopkinsville High School Lady Tigers emerged victorious in a hard-fought basketball game against University Heights Academy on Friday night with a final score...
On Tuesday night, the Hopkinsville Tigers dominated the game against the Clarksville Northwest Vikings with a final score of 80-37. The round was led...