In a heartwarming display of recognition and appreciation, Ms. Gill, a dedicated educator, recently bestowed the prestigious Golden Apple award upon Austin Knight. This...
Hopkinsville High School recently bestowed its prestigious Golden Apple weekly award upon Mr. Wade McCulloch, recognizing his outstanding contributions to the school community. The...
Who's the latest superstar at Hopkinsville High School? It's none other than Ms. Amanda Lehman, the coveted Golden Apple Award recipient! With her awesome...
Hopkinsville High School's Golden Apple Award is a weekly recognition given to teachers who go above and beyond for their students. This week's winner...
Ms. Sarah Williams recognizes Coach Shamar Foster with the weekly Golden Apple award for his outstanding contributions to the Tiger Team. Coach Foster, a...
Hopkinsville High School recently awarded the Golden Apple Weekly Award to Ms. Williams, a well-deserving faculty member. The award, previously held by Mrs. Banks,...
Mrs. Paulo, an English 1 and Journalism teacher at Hopkinsville High School, has recently been awarded the Golden Apple for teaching excellence. This prestigious...